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here are positives and negatives in our lives, as we have to adhere to balance. Sometimes the balance hits the negative end far too much, almost too much for us to take. There is always though, something that shows us the light, puts us back on track, either as subtle as a whisper or a real slam dunker life change. I have many, many emails sent to me, some of miracles, some of hope and even some where people wish their lives to end.
I am without a doubt the person that people consult about all things connecting to human death. I am asked daily how to cope with losing someone, how to cope with their own terminal illness, how to cope with their soul mate or child in heaven and many more horrific situations. Your bravery is astounding in some cases. Your complete trust in my words and work is also utterly astounding. It humbles me to tears whenever I see messages of support or the fact that I have brought you comfort.
I myself have had the most trying year of my life. My health has crucified me and been relentless in stopping me in my tracks. A slam dunker life change that I will have to listen to and DO something about next year! In fact I sit here writing this whilst my soul mates run a Christmas miracle at Lupton House all for the greater good for human kind and I am here suffering with the worst flu. I have missed out on something beautiful because I have not listened to the messages that the Universe has brought. At last I will surrender and put my health first.
So, I ask you this, your negative balanced situation, can you change it? Is it just fear that stops you? Look at your life, set time aside before the New Year starts and see what needs to change. You sometimes have to make the change, or the lesson will worsen just as my health has.
I can never bring your loved ones back in the physical way you yearn for them, what I can do is bring you comfort, proof, hope and love from the spirit world. I can help educate you in all things such as angels, the spirit world and how to develop your relationship spiritually with your loved ones and the Universe.
So between us we can create goals, hope, brightness, love and strength.
Don’t let the negatives outweigh your positive path. Always push for the swing of the scales going into the positive. You are not alone, you are loved, you are watched over and protected whether you are aware of it or not. It’s just sometimes our life lessons are there to progress our soul in a much bigger picture that you could ever imagine.
Hold on, have faith, have courage.
I’m not really a prayer person but I have always adopted the serenity prayer to my life situations:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things that I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
It has always helped me along the rockier parts of my life.
So for the festive season, leave your worries behind, but address them before the New Year and start off with a challenge!
Embrace your friends, your family at this time, whoever brings you happiness, have them abundantly around you. Celebrate the life of the people who are celebrating their Christmas in Heaven. No doubt if this is the first Christmas without your loved ones it’s going to be tough, but believe me when I say, they want you to enjoy their life that was spent with you. They are horrified if such a love filled time has been ruined by their passing. They didn’t mean to pass!
Raise a glass to them, know they are with you on Christmas day and that their invisible love will never leave you.
I wish you all the most peaceful love filled Christmas. I sincerely hope that your New Year brings your dreams to reality and your nightmares to an end. Together we can do it.
I also want to thank you wholeheartedly with every ounce of my being. In my eighth year of representing the spirit and angel realms full time, you have tirelessly supported me and been there for me.
My ongoing, overwhelming presence of support, love and belief from you all is truly amazing. It has made me cry, smile, and laugh, the beauty that you bring to me is second to none. When I stand and see regular faces in the audience and the people that attend my workshops and the messages of love and thoughtfulness, the gifts you give me, it is so overwhelming!
May the angels bless you during Christmas and always and may your loved ones ever be present for the laughter and the tears. X
Here’s to a New Year, let us embrace it. I will go forward knowing that you are all behind me, a knowledge that never leaves me. You go forward knowing your loved ones are behind you.
I am lucky, I don’t only have your support but the unrelenting love and support of Roy and my beautiful soul mate friends that are now my family. I am truly blessed.
With all my love to you all at Christmas
Nicky xxxxxx
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