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Psychic Glossary - What stuff means?

Date: Mon,27 Nov 2006

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What Stuff Means?

What Stuff Means

Below we have a brief summary of what popular paranormal / spiritual terms mean, if you would like to add or make amendments to this list then please submit your views at the bottom of the page.


An apport is the dematerialisation of a physical object from it's current location to another. In most cases it is subsequently materialised again in a completely different location from where it was originally. Apports are sometimes associated with poltergeist (or noisy ghost) activity where house hold objects such as keys are moved from one room to another (even across countries). Apports have also been experienced in physical mediumship development circles where the sitters frequently give their energy for such phenomena to work.

Astral Projection / Out of Body Experience

Astral Projection is the art of separating the etheric spirit body from our physical counterpart at will. Most of us are unaware that when we dream at night, we are actually astral travelling the many spheres. The astral worlds are mental worlds where thought has the power to manifest anything we think into being. When astral travelling, you may find yourself floating around the etheric carbon copy of this physical world or you may encounter a thought world where all past, current & future possibilities are already present or shaping together. For example you may come across a structure that doesn't exist on Earth as it's still on the drawing board and yet to be built.

The Astral body is connected to our physical body by what is known as the silver chord. This chord is infinitely elastic allowing us to move where ever our thoughts take us, but if we suddenly think about our material body or perhaps venture too far, our physical body will instantly pull us back. An exercise you can try with a willing companion is to make a pact that you will meet each other at certain location & time during sleep. Before going to sleep, make an affirmation that you will meet your chosen person at a given time, and that you will become aware within your dream to realise that you are astral travelling.

Development Circle

A development circle is where would be mediums, experienced mediums and healers sit quite regularly to fine tune their energies to work with spirit. Normally within a circle you have at least one experienced medium who can overlook the proceedings and ensure everybody is working safely. The circle is usually opened with an 'opening-prayer' where the sitters ask for protection using love, light and integrity.
Members of the circle may take it in turns to run the circle for a while, which helps keep the circle fresh and help everybody feel apart of it.
Typically most circles sit in meditation for a while, usually with the circle leader guiding everybody into the meditation using visualisation techniques. This valuable time helps the circle member to blend their energy with their spirit guide which in turn will help them to improve their spirit link. The blending of energy is a two way process, with the guide learning to blend with us as much as we need to blend with them.
Once the meditation is over, each member can discuss with the group any impressions or visualisations they experienced. Some people see, others hear and some feel or do all three. Or, you could just become aware of something you didn't know before, an inner knowing, it can be quite subtle especially in the beginning. Once the meditation is over, the members can practice reading each other using various techniques, Psychometry, Angel or Tarot cards, water reading, flower reading and many more. The evening is always followed by a closing prayer thanking guides, spirit and loved ones for working with the circle and asking that everybody remains safe until next time. Finally, healing is sent out where ever it's needed.


Psychometry is the art of reading past events & emotions absorbed by an object. Everything around us is made up of energy, which we are connected. At some level everything we do is being recorded and absorbed by every object we come into contact with, however, the more emotional an event is, the deeper the memory is recorded into it. A wedding ring is a good object to practice on because the wearer would have experienced all manner of emotions whilst wearing it. This would allow a psychic person to easily pick things up. It does appear that tragic events leave the strongest impressions.

Poltergeist or Ghost

Poltergeist is German for noisy ghost, there seems to be a number of different causes for Poltergeist activity with the most common being either a trapped earthly soul or an adolescent child with an abundance of psychic energy.

Let's examine the first case, if somebody died of tragic circumstances they may not yet be aware of their fate, so to this end they are confused as to why family and friends are ignoring them, or why strangers have moved into their house. Another explanation is the person has a deep attachment to the earth plane because they still want to use earthly pleasures such as drugs, alcohol or other material objects. Or, they might have been involved in a heinous crime for which they're not ready to face up to. Until the soul can let go of these attachments they will remain close to the Earth plane.

Young children with an abundance of psychic energy can also cause Poltergeist activity, especially those who are suffering acute emotional stress. The child's over active psychic energy is released into the atmosphere causing house hold objects to move, which to all intents and purposes looks as if the house inhabited by the child is actually haunted. Sometimes once the child has received help from a therapist to deal with the bottled up emotions, the phenomena plaguing the child, abruptly stops.


It is widely believed that for the soul to reach a certain perfection and stop the constant cycle of re-birth & death, the incarnating soul needs to master many experiences and emotions. This can take many life times to achieve but with eternity on our side there isn't any need to rush, but the sooner we realise this predicament and act upon it, the sooner we can break it's spell. Many souls remain in the spirit world for many hundred or thousands of years between lives but when it's time for us to come back and learn new lessons, we generally do so with the majority of our soul group who have been experiencing many of our lessons with us, for all time. Once we have mastered everything that there is to learn we may progress for ever onwards within the spiritual spheres.
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Peter Muir said:

Has anyone ever had the experience where they have looked for a very important (in my case, a magazine and letter from the author) physical thing and searched high and low methodically through all the stuff we somehow keep with us, not to find it, but then only find that item later in the same place where searched umpteen times ago? Can our Guides "hide" or "disguise" something until it is the right time for us to find it? Any comments of experiences?......
Mon,15 Dec 2008,04:10:13 GMT
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