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Dear Friends I have been producing and publishing ‘Between Us’ magazine for seven years, in that time I have published over 28 editions of the quarterly magazine and two educational booklets. Recently my son helped me publish a website so now anyone can view or down load free editions of some of the more recent magazines… for the past nine years I have been sitting to develop Mediumship and in 2009 qualified as a Spiritual healer. More recently I finally took the step and begun demonstrating Mediumship and philosophy.
I feel perhaps that you should know why I do this… What drives our Mediums to so tirelessly devote and sacrifice so much time and even their lives to promote and educate and demonstrate greater realities to anyone that is willing to listen.
Let me tell you a little about something that happened to me. I was working as a carpenter in Shaftsbury my life was at a low point, I had come to the end of the material road so to speak, I had become very materialistic but instead of bringing me happiness and contentment the opposite was true, I was at rock bottom, my desire for more money had led me away from my family, the people I loved, the very same people who I had been doing it for in the first place. I had reached a dead end in my life… The job I was working on a referb dirty and unrewarding not at all the sort of work I was used to at all… I met a man there, John a plasterer and bricklayer, who also turned out to be a very good Medium. I had never met such a person before,in addition he was kind, thoughtful and selfless, a refreshing change.
In the few short days that I got to know john, he really turned my life around. He proved to me that my Granddad was around me, and helped me realize that I had Mediumship and healing potential too. I now understand that it could not have been any other way for me… I had to go down that materialistic path and understand the futility of it all, in order for my eyes to be opened. It helped me realise that all roads lead to the same place, eventually, sometimes people take the long way round some the short but we all get there in the end… Sometimes all seems dark and futile and pointless but all the time we are being guided to the places we need to be in order to experience the lessons we need most to learn from...
After that initial wake up call my life was filled with indescribable joy and light… Through my new found sensitivity I was able to feel and experience and connect with my loved ones who had passed beyond our Earthly sight, and experience wonder and love which comes from the Spirit world…
I was happy yes, but it is not enough for me to just know and be happy in that knowledge. Now when I look around me I see so much unhappiness and strife which could so easily be alleviated by a little knowledge and love.
I felt I had been truly blessed, I am so grateful to John and that chance (or was it?) encounter all those years ago, that changed my life for the better. I feel that if I can help just one person, I would have repaid just a fraction of what was given to me…
It is a jewel beyond compare, To have some knowledge or a Spiritual gift is wonderful, but it is nothing if it can not be shared. That is why I do what I do,
It completes my life..
I hope you enjoy 'Between Us magazine. Perhaps you can find something that other people would like to hear about, something that could help someone else… I hope you can…
Yours in service, love and light
Nick. Shutler
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