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An Open Letter To Aries For August 2024

By:Guy Doleman
Date: Wed,24 Jul 2024
Submitter:Guy Doleman

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An Open Letter To Aries For August 2024

Dear Aries,

Well I have been doing my homework and as far as I can tell the first week of August 2024 is a potentially busy week characterised by your increased curiosity, enhanced communication skills and intellectual/scholastic activity. Also, there seems to be some good news on the horizon for your brothers, sisters, friends, and group associates. Indeed, your general sense of wellbeing is perhaps a reflection of your harmonious social life. Interestingly, many unattached Aries may experience exciting romantic moments. And the good news doesn't exclude those in established relationships. Even hard-headed business people may lift their noses from the grindstone long enough to experience love and romance.

Your love of ease and comfort is indulged. (Perhaps you might be able to enjoy a short break in routine). This trend might reflect an improvement in your financial position. Extra money might be “invested” in your love-life and other enjoyable experiences. Planetary alignments also suggest marriage or parenthood for a number of younger Aries. Conversely, more mature readers might receive good news from across the water.

However, readers born with a heavily afflicted Natal Horoscope should avoid extravagant and self-indulgent actions because they may provoke jealousy, emotional upsets and discordant verbal exchanges.

There is good news for ambitious Aries with an eye to the big time. If you are a Thespian, poet, mime artist, or, indeed a wannabe performer of any description, then things are looking good for you. This could well be your opportunity to upstage your colleagues and steal the headlines. In fact, you might attract the attention of a theatrical agent with the contacts to keep you in work. However, jealous rivals might dish the dirt to the press and do everything in their power to undermine your success.

Many other Aries might have reason to celebrate as their struggle to implement far-reaching transformations reach a crescendo this week. Most Aries might become aware of shifting boundaries as new vistas of far reaching opportunities becoming available to them. You have a right to sit back and congratulate yourself for your achievements.

Are your thoughts turning to love? Well, your personal relationships may benefit from the assistance you receive from a close friend, who may arrange a blind date for you. Indeed, it's conceivable that a few impulsive younger readers, away from home for the first time, might overindulge in their newfound freedoms and subsequently give way to temptation in the face of a sensual cocktail of planetary influences that are now operative. As they say: “You are only young once”. True, but please take care of yourselves and keep a sense of proportion. That’s all I’m saying.

Regrettably - and I fear to think it even possible - but the same astrological influences may correlate to predatory university staff, who (although they should know better) might throw caution to the wind and plan to become intimately involved with some of their students.

But only time will tell.

Digging deeper into the potential ramifications of this immensely powerful Sun Pluto opposition, which will occur in the 5th and 11th Houses respectively. This astrological aspect might, theoretically, correlate to an escalating scandal involving Members of Parliament, the House of Lords and even members of the British aristocracy.

But only time will tell.

Have you got a business to run? Then Mercury and Mars put “lead in your pencil” and enable you to come up with a business strategy which will have your competitors losing sleep! Yes, you are going on the offensive, in an effort to regain lost ground or clients. This might be especially true if your customer base is overwhelmingly female.

In the second week Mercury conjunction Venus is an indicator of love and romance. In addition it is also a significator of stimulated academic interest in music, art and theatre. This is likely to be a favourable period for street artists, ‘living statues', face-painters and all manner of performers.

Are you confined in a pokey little apartment? Then take heart, some twist of fate or change in circumstances might give you the opportunity to beautify your living environment, or, if you own the building, sell it at an immense profit.

Changing tack again: are you responsible for productivity or efficiency at work? Then you might have to be at your diplomatic best in order to curtail the time wasted in idle chit-chat around the coffee machine. Might the time be right to suggest working from home to all your team, or, just the office gossip?

Beware a growing tendency to become superficial in your communications: endeavour to remain businesslike and authoritative. On the positive side; your mental outlook is cheerful and optimistic and you continue to express yourself with admirable whit, charm and humour. Furthermore, your charming manner of speech is mirrored by the diplomacy of your writing.

Do you fancy a bit of well-meant civil disobedience? Then Aries beware. We all want to live in a better world, but your propensity to utter inflammatory words may involve you in political or ecological disputes. Think clever and learn to turn the other cheek when confronted by ignorant and insulting individuals. Bear in mind that some people are just too daft to bother with. Back off and stay safe. Remember, the old saying: “discretion is often the better part of valour”.

The third week of August is potentially exciting and rewarding. Nevertheless, caution is advised if your Natal Horoscope is not harmoniously attuned to the current planetary alignments. Ensure you take steps to avoid potential disagreements over religious, political or cultural practices and customs with those you meet both online and in person.

Closer to home and perhaps behind closed doors: despite your protests, someone continues to push you in a direction you just don't want to go. This individual fails to understand how strongly you feel about some matters. Consequently, and with great reluctance, you decide that the time has come to draw a line in the sand and assert your autonomy. Perhaps you will make a clean break and transform your life and future.

Senior, single and stuck in a rut? Then you are going to start thinking outside the box and possibly respond to some slightly outrageous ideas which may hark back to the Swinging Sixties Hippy Culture of Peace and Love, or, bring back happy memories of Glastonbury, Somerset. Dare you dare to dare? Remember, age is just a number, and you are never too old to have fun!

Quickly turning to less contentious speculations: many of my Aries readers may have good reason to feel buoyant and optimistic about a number of domestic issues. Moreover, your interactions with family members of the Baby-boomer era may become pleasurable beyond measure. Indeed, perhaps even potentially lucrative. Why? Because the Bank of Nana and Grandad might be open for business, or, a distant Aunt or Uncle may send you a special gift or reward.

Interestingly, budding illustrators; artists; playwrights and actors might find work in a labyrinth of convoluted ways. Who is your new-found and very secretive theatrical Angel, you may begin to wonder?

Now I must sound a note of caution. Keep an eye on your valuables. Don't leave them unguarded in your hotel room; in a public space, or, visible in your parked car. I say this because not everyone lives by your high ethical standards. Regrettably, honesty and integrity are complete strangers to some people. Consequently, if someone else can steal it; you must protect it!!

Changing tack yet again: assertive Mars (your ruling planet) might ignite your emotions and stimulate your determination to change the way you interact with certain people. To some, you will present an uncompromising and assertive front designed to instil both respect and compliance. Conversely, in response to the more gentle energies of Venus, you might choose to play the Lover. As a result, your manner is softer, and you choose to employ seduction as your weapon of choice. Two ways of doing things, but with only one desired outcome: complete and utter victory!!

Interestingly, the more intellectually inclined Aries born may be seduced by revolutionary thoughts. Radical outsiders — perhaps wolves in sheep's clothing — might try to subvert your support for humanitarian, reformist causes, into something far more sinister. So please beware and on your guard: don't march alongside those who would seek to overthrow democratically elected power structures.

Furthermore, if you are actively seeking a transcendent spiritual experience, beware the ever present threats presented by Cults and religious extremism.

However, if you are inspired by extremist politicians of either the left or the right please consider my proposition that only playwrights and novelists can safely indulge in revolutionary thoughts, because they make for a good plot and no harm can befall them. In fact they can end up extremely rich and laughing all the way to the bank.

Nevertheless, having said that, Aries are born leaders. So if you are harbouring a desire to exercise some power and play a leadership role in any group or organisation, please ensure it is democratic, transparent and with no hidden agenda.

In the fourth week of August the predominant planetary energies seem to indicate emotional issues which may drain your vitality and limit your enthusiasm for some family orientated initiatives. Moreover, a minority of readers might have to cope with the demands of an elderly family member.

Others may find that work problems isolate you from family festivals, or, conversely, domestic responsibilities inhibit your ability to deal effectively or speedily with some career or professional developments. Another common feature might be the recollection of unpleasant childhood memories. Possibly stirred up by something you watch on TV or triggered by a chance remark made by a friend.

Changing tack once again: something may occur to make you realise just how lucky and privileged you are. As a consequence, you might pop into a place of worship to say a quick “thank you” prayer, or, make a donation to a local food bank or charity. Good on you: you are an Aries with a big heart and a kind soul.

Overall, I think things are getting better for most Aries. Consequently, a great many more readers will be inspired to look on the “brighter side of Life”. Indeed, good times abound for many. Efforts could be made to renew old emotional ties and walk down memory lane accompanied by a close friend. Additionally, a few of my readers will conduct a little research into their family history, and, as a consequence, an elderly relative might be enticed back into the family fold.

Assuming your Natal Horoscope is in harmony with the current celestial alignments, you are likely to feel full of self-confidence and more than ready to tackle any challenges head-on. Moreover, your interactions with well established individuals, wealthy business people or figures of importance — in both your personal and professional life — appear to flourish and bloom.

Changing subject yet again: your educational/intellectual horizons expand exponentially. For many, this will have a knock-on effect for your career and earning potential. Grab any chance you can get to feed your mind and develop new interests. Sadly, everyone has their critics. However, you have had more than your fair share recently. Now the tables are beginning to turn. And you will have the satisfaction of watching them squirm with embarrassment when their own opinions are subjected to intense and critical analysis.

Those readers who are experiencing some complex issues might find this an opportune week to seek advice. In addition, those standing upon the threshold of initiating a new relationship, or breathing new life into a cooling friendship might find their efforts to rekindle love and harmony go in the right direction.

Why not use some of your spare time to increase your home's security, or, enhance your personal privacy? It might be time well spent, especially if you are an investigative journalist, or, a prominent social media influencer intent upon broadcasting podcasts with controversial themes. This might be especially true if you intend to ruffle the feathers of some ruthless individuals. Which might be the case if you delve into the murky world of political corruption; mob violence, criminal gangs or people smuggling.

On second thought: most Aries can stand up to both adverse circumstances and bullies. And most Aries are clever enough to know when to draw the line, so don't worry yourself too much about the podcasts. It’s probably me just over-thinking things again (we all have defects and I’m no exception: just ask my wife!!!!)

Finally, allow me to observe that Venus is creating good vibrations with Uranus. From this, I deduce that your social interactions are likely to be both exciting and enjoyable. If you are currently free of any emotional attachments, then you might choose to pack your bags and go looking for love and adventure. Indeed, love and friendship might become your prime concern. As a result, even more of your disposable income could be diverted into financing anything which might conceivably contribute to your increased happiness. In short: you are going to let your hair down and have a good time with inspirational people. Love knows no boundaries and you are as free as a butterfly: enjoy!

Well folks that's me all written out for this letter. So until I write again, “God Bless and Protect”. Bye bye.

Your sincerely,

Guy Doleman: Astrologer

PS. All dates are approximations.
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