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The World
“The World always rights itself and finds its own point of natural balance. Dance to the drumbeat of The World through being naturally in harmony with the vibration of creation.” –
Quote from my forthcoming book “The Transformational Truth of Tarot”.
In last month’s AstroTarotChannel I spoke about almost not being able to grasp March’s energy apart from it feeling like a cross over point.
Then when I did the Tarot youtube part we saw a lot about the polarity of life, relationships, ups and downs, sharing etc…
I thought this would only be for March and that come April, Mercury turning direct and the spring equinox, we would all be making a giant leap forward…Hmmm.
Now I am feeling like spring may have only half sprung, but that could be me just always expecting instant happenings and forgetting it doesn’t usually work that way- even with the so called world and time speeding up thing!
Last month we had a need to be very aware of what our actions were crating for us on a karmic level and that theme continues. Last month it was because of the Piscean and Arien energy. This month we still have an emphasis on those energies, along with a full moon in Libra to boot. The full moon in Libra can highlight to us where we are not in balance or not being true to ourselves and therefore honest with others – usually. But what with Venus squaring Neptune on the same day we may not be seeing clearly at
all, and with Mercury turning direct only 2 days before we may end up being a little too overbearing with our reactions before we have got our facts straight.
Wanting to get things off our chest and attain peace of mind may just bring more conflict at this time, so remember to slow down, take a deep breath and ride through your own emotions until you are sure you have got it all straight. We also have a little warning on a similar on 25th When Mercury in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn. This will be felt on a worldly level as well as a personal level, but more in the area of what you want to acheive in the world. Inbetween this time we also have Mars going direct.
All in all there is a feeling of wanting to get ahead because of feeling so delayed and maybe frustrated lately, there is also a feeling of wanting to push our own agendas after a lot of compromise, but really its about striking the right balance slowly and surely. Pushing our own agendas too hard can undo all the great co-operative work that seems to have been in the making last month. This is reflected in the Astrology and the youtube Tarot reading for this month.
Learn Tarot with Tiffany online, on retreat, on day courses or evening classes, for more info see:
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