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Thankyou all for all your messages through my previous posts. Some of this is spiritual but also a general matter i need help with. My aunt whom was ill last year who sufferered 2 cardiac arrests and survived while in hospital saw gargoils and a man she named as zorro she never believed in spirits at all. We fell out over a matter with her son and my mum and my self decided not to contact for a while as she was being very nasty and not herself even trying to be nasty about my children. I know she had breast cancer but thought she could fight it but she also had an eating disorder and a drink problem due to her husband and son. Her husband was also caught up in what i call a cult. When Jackie was in hospital after her heart attack she asked to get up and he told her to go to the light, he knew she had cancer before any biopsi. well we fell out and on sat we got told by her husband in a matter of fact way she had died no pre warning, his story does not add up and he is telling family a complete lie about her cancer plus a old family friends daughter told my sister today via facebook when her funeral was. we havent even been told. I know the hospital had thought jackies heart attack was due to drugs which she never touched and was 49. Basically i feel like there has been a sinister side to my aunt jackies death and if anyone feels anything spiritual can they please contact me, as i know it sounds crazy but i feel she was killed off from our lives and we will never know the truth.If anyone who is psychic and picks up on this story can they contact me my e-mail is
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