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How practicing reflexology can change your life
Until you practice, or undergo alternative therapy of any kind, you will never truly know exactly how it can help a person – it is easy to make assumptions about how effective aromatherapy, reflexology or holistic remedies can be on the outside – the very same can be said about yoga – until you let it into your life fully, you cannot be expected to understand exactly how or why it works in the way that it does. I, too, did not fully understand exactly why reflexology is so beneficial to people, in terms of easing psychological woes, reducing ongoing pain and even helping them cope with long-term situations. However, immersing myself in the therapy for a range of different clients over the years has changed my life for the better.
I started studying for and practicing reflexology some considerable time after I had witnessed the benefits of the therapy first-hand – I, like everyone else, had pre-conceived ideas about what manipulating reflexes could do to ease my mind, to help me relax, and to soothe any ongoing aches and pains I was experiencing. However, it was only when I allowed the therapy into my world that I was fully able to appreciate exactly what it does for each and every one of us. It is not merely a foot massage, as many people see it – it is the art of finding out how our bodies and minds are interconnected by the various reflexes of our body, and how we can effectively tap into these resources to work them to our advantage – to bring inner peace, true calm, and to soothe our maladies.
It is years of studying of reflexology that have brought me to the understanding that it is a careful understanding of how our lives are affected by our different reflexes, how we are essential huge puzzles full of impulses and ever-changing variety – while it aims to resolve as many issues as it can, it is furthermore an appreciation of how and why it can unlock the secrets to our own wellbeing. For me, my years of study and first-hand experience of the therapy changed my life for the better – I now appreciate and understand that our bodies are not as simple as they may seem – and that our minds, our impulses and our reflexes make up a complex but refined network that we can graciously understand and pay attention to through such therapy.
It is therefore my dream and my aim to share my experiences with as many people as possible. As an experienced reflexologist, I strive to show all my clients the path to true calm and inner relaxation through the power of understanding – through the manipulation and appreciation of our reflexes and how we are all, each and every one of us, interconnected. I truly believe that alternative therapy can offer a life-changing experience. It did for me, and it can for you, too.
For more information on the services I offer as part of my clinic with Natural Touch Therapy, please call today on 01773 687 349 or email via my web form and I will look forward to consulting with you on an area of your life that you are looking to bring calm and peace to with ease.
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