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We are in transit here, living on earth temporarily in a mortal physical body and brain. Our immortal soul brought us here to learn and contribute to life on earth, and what we do here influences and has outcomes for our continued existence when we return to the Spirit World on the death of this body/brain.This much every culture and religion knows, even if modern science is sceptical, finding no tangible and testable evidence of survival, so it says.
We have to live by faith and belief rather than by the rational arguments of the brain, which provide no more than a bleak agnosticism. Our soul lives outside and beyond the jurisdiction of the brain, which is merely a sophisticated computer transforming waves into conscious thoughts. The theories of Jung and Freud are incorrect concerning the subconscious mind and the collective unconscious. The soul has great knowledge and awareneness, into which we can tap if we tame the restless mind and focus on the love and light of God, a spark of which lies within each one of us and gives us life. Attunement to that keeps us positive and contented and solves all our emotional and psycho logical problems.
If our soul is not going to die, how will it exist without a physical body, which obviously like any living thing on this planet, has a limited lifespan ? The soul body is our aura, the colours of which show the quality of our soul, from the black and greys of an evil person to the blues and brighter hues of an enlightened soul. Our task is to dispell the darkness and shed the lurid colours by improving our thoughts and actions while we can, doing good deeds and planning for a better world. We can start at home, and in our own country, before criticising the appalling crises in other parts of the world. Only then can we help effectively. So first we clear and clean our own home and family affairs. Then, beyond the personal life, we can look at the community, neighbourhood, village, town, county, province, state and nation. Here we will possibly find much negativity. Even in this modern society there is much crime, slavery, corruption, violence, dishonesty, racial discrimination, inequality, poverty, ignorance and lack of education. Once we have started to clear these problems at home, then we can look at the wider problems further afield, such as terrorism, genocide, starvation, disease and tribal warfare and sectarian violence in other regions of the the world.
At the more comprehensive level of the United Nations we shall eventually be able to outlaw war, ban armaments and the massive defence industries and prosecute those who profit by them, just as we already put on trial in international courts leaders who have committed crimes against humanity.
The Spirit World has been trying to tell us this and work for peace, tolerance, ahimsa and respect for all life, and refrain from killing, since time immemorial.
Richard Rowley
rfare within other countries.
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