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Claire reading the cards
Thought readers may be interested in the following photos. I took them on Sunday the 7th of December, at the Open Arms Haven, using a Fuji FinepixA610 digital camera with an automatic flash.
I took the two in immediate succession, and have included the first one, of Claire reading, so you can see that the image on the second one is not a mark on the camera.
The second one, of Allessandra healing, shows what to me looks like a large orb or some sort of energy around her hands and the head of her client. Im not a great beli

Allesandra and "that" energy !
ever in orbs to be honest, preferring a more scientific explanation, but I have to say, this one has me rattled !
Opinions welcome !
After the interest this picture generated, we have started receiving photos from our visitors showing what is believed to be Spirit. If you have such a picture, and would like it included on the gallery on our website, please do mail me, with details of who the picture shows, and where it was taken. Please do get the permission of anyone in the picture beforehand if they are not yourself !
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