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This is a moving autobiography by Deborah Lloyd who was born, the eldest of nine children into a Catholic family in economic difficulties. At three years of age, she contracted polio which required surgery to her left leg and the requirement of wearing orthopaedic shoes. She became a social worker in a children’s hospital and was the manager of a growing mental health clinic when she was introduced to spiritual healing. Diagnosed with a long term illness as a result of the polio and facing the loss of her capacity to walk, she embarked, with the help of her husband, Gary, on a miraculous journey of healing. It took her through Reiki - given to her by a nun - to proof of survival from Valerie, a psychic medium, and the finding of her spirit guide, Charles, yoga, past lives, shamanic healing with Starr, angel workshops, meditation, the creation of sacred space and inner child work, all of which were difficult to explain to her large extended family. The book has provided the opportunity for her to bring her story to a wider audience.
The book is a personal narrative of her physical and emotional healing and provides a series of affirmations which began with a life lessons journal and ended with the manifestation of this amazing book. Gary left his work in engineering to become a massage therapist and Deborah works as an energy therapist within the practise and also in a hospice as a palliative care social worker and counsellor. With curiosity, determination and trust, her transformative life journey is an inspiration and one of great insight and dedication.
From Deb’s website, she provides a message: “It is my belief that each of us is called to a deeper understanding of what true healing means – and every person has the opportunity to become whole again. Become connected to the Divine Spirit that lives within you and surrounds you with love, in whatever way works for you. Believe this loving Life Force Energy knows no limits, and anything is possible. My prayer for you is that you start to heal today – whatever physical, emotional or spiritual problem that prevents you from living a whole, balanced life. Ask for guidance, and trust it will be given to you.”
Believe and it is True – A Story of Healing and Life Lessons
By Deborah Lloyd
Published by O Books
ISBN: 978 1 8 4694 8558
195 pages
Available from Amazon and all good bookshops worldwide.
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