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Inner light even near darkness
Ego and the twelve references to Christmas following on from Ego previous holiday adventures.
(The Ego series is a collection of stories with references to everyday life and situations. He/She/It/They. His own personification gives meaning and is there with a slight humour to remind us we are children of the universe no less than the trees or the stars as Desiderata once said. Along with his Friends the Box and Janus he makes an appearance to remind us to be.)
Ego looked out of the window he sighed it had been raining for days and he was bored in the background fading sound of an old carol was ringing in his head.’Tis the season to be jolly tra la, la la. He had watched all the TV he could muster and was rather peeved that the usual films he liked to watch had been replaced and there quality and believability left a lot to be desired.
They weren’t funny neither were they following the true spirit of Christmas even the Grinch had lost its appeal. Now what to do next perhaps a visit to human kind and thinking about mischief he set off. His first visit was to see Janus who he liked to trick but Janus who is the door keeper or caretaker of the New Year was having none of it. Egos last shenanigans had end him up being put on a revolving door and he was sick for days. This year was a special year; as it ended the teens and was starting twenty’s and nine of any kind meant that most people were carry over more baggage than usual.
He also had the extra day to think about and this also affected his calendar workout. So, he pretend, not to see, hear or react when Ego walked by. Ego didn’t like to be ignored and this made his mood even grumpier than ever. Now What! He thought to himself where or where I can go to get my fix.
Ego loved to cause trouble he found the human race extremely interesting and unpredictable this made his job harder but he was learning about himself at the same time. He stood a good chance of getting his fix unless the well-meaning Box appeared with it faith and charity in tow and somehow managing more than once to disarm him only to find himself awake at a later time with a headache.
No this year he was determined to test the Christmas cheer. He knew he was on to a winner as the past year had been a difficult one for the humans they seem to fight more eat more and drink more. Their relationships had suffered more and he was trying to figure out if like the other years ending in nine were also troublesome and that the jump into a leap year and an extra day somehow balanced things up.
One thing in his favour he had discovered that the humans weren’t very good at predicting weather. Even he had to agree that the animals had a better feel of things compared to all the bells and whistles that they had. However, where ever he ended up it rain someone always rains on his parade. Mentally, if not physically. (This usually ruined a good holiday and rust was less painful than sun burn).
The quandary was what to do next he had a few days till the Christmas holiday. He arranged a date with Greed and Envy. Only to be g

listen, learn, be.
iven the brush off Greed was too busy eating and buying up) the entire sell By selections in all the supermarkets. Envy was jealous that he had not thought of it first. (Now that irony thought Ego to himself).
What he was slowly discovering that not everyone had a great Christmas that the hype often put serious strains on folk to buy things that they couldn’t afford eat far too much food and drink to the point where often they couldn’t remember who they had been with the previous night. (Hang on had not he also been caught by this bug and at first he had taken relish in their pain) The Box definitely had a lot to answer for.
So why was he here what was his purpose he scratched his head. A mental vision passed through his head to talking fish and the question “what’s the meaning of life”. Now! Who is going off on a tangent and that quest was definitely for another time.
Reset button definitely needed pushing he had come down to earth to have fun. Fun was watching other people’s misadventures. Slowly and without any warning this strange though came again into his head. Christmas was different for everyone. Some had snow and the laughing Fat Man in a red suit. Others had the same guy only on a surf board wearing togs. A third sang carols and watched shepherd’s and kings deliver parcels to a baby in a stable. Whilst a Star, shone brightly sheep and cows watched on. A forth sat at a large table surrounded by the people they loved. The fifth rushed home to wrap a present for his kid who he wouldn’t get to see on Christmas day but he still needed for him to have his gift. A sixth was hoping her boyfriend would propose. A seventh was feeling lonely because she was stuck with relatives who didn’t want her and then the eight reminded her at least she wasn’t alone. The tenth not wanting to be left out said the soup kitchens were particularly good at this time of year. The eleventh was the dog who been left out and tied up for days. The twelfth reminded everyone that its one day a year and that we should not be so hard on ourselves and that we should celebrate the little things every day not just at Christmas. Twelve- random people of Christmas. In all of us wasn’t there a little bit of…. Ego felt he/we could relate to one of those feelings. If not this day but one day.
Somehow again the box had managed to jump into his own perception his ongoing mission to cause havoc. Perhaps this year he ease of a bit give them a break it been an extremely hard year and was heading to another end of a decade perhaps he could be a little generous with his intentions to cause mischief. Somehow some way the Egos heart grew this day. The box smiled Janus breathed a sigh of relief and all could try to get through the remainder of 2019. In the distance a voice could be heard. “I’ll be back”! Followed by Greedy don’t eat it all save some for me and Envy.
22/12/19 Merry Christmas and a Happy 2020 Don’t be so hard on yourselves it’s been a hard year just remember the good things and know that 2020 could be the year to do it!.
Happy Holidays love Annielise
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