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Have you ever picked up a shell an found the animal still living in its home? As humans we are fascinated with touching and prodding different species. Is this just our curious human nature? What if a large animal picked us up and prodded and sniffed us. How would we react? Would we try to move away, try to fight them off? I hope none of us ever has to witness this happening to our friends and loved ones let alone ourselves.
Yesterday was my "unplug" day. I live near the beach and I pack nothing but beach gear—no electronic devices or cellphones, sunscreen, lunch and lots of water. There are many beautiful migrating sea birds that flock along the shores and many visiting tourists. Quite honestly I am more comfortable with the animals than the people. The animals forage for bits of food among the debris that is washed up. Many have to pick through plastic bottle caps, styrofoam and other man-made items. This is something they have come to accept and sadly so has mankind.
But it doesn't have to be this way, and if we rally took some quiet time to observe nature we would feel more connected and our self-preservation vibes would spread to world around us. It would include the plants and animals that share our communities. And this would be taught to our offspring and together we could bring change. Meditation is key to helping raise our awareness.
Yesterday I used my floating-in-the-water time to make this connection. It is such a beautiful thing to switch off and float. A water meditation can be done anywhere you can quietly submerge yourself in water. If you use your tub, just imagine the sights, scents, feelings and sounds that bring you complete peace.
You start very simply with an opening prayer. Here is the one I use:
To my highest guides and helpers second to none
Bless me and keep me safe at this time that I sit
Knowing that all that is said, done and heard, felt or sensed in any way
is with absolute love as I blend myself with my consciousness
I wish at this time to be at one with my spirit
I close my eyes and feel myself floating in the water (I use a floating raft, but you can also sit on the beach with the water lapping up on you) I breath along with the rhythm of the water feeling the rise and fall of the sea. I feel the wind and I hear the sea birds. I smell in all of the beautiful scents that abound at the ocean. I then just LET GO of all thought and I allow myself to be carried. This lasts no more than 15—20 minutes, and after it is finished I close with a prayer of gratitude. I allow whatever sensations, feelings, images, sounds or thoughts to be brought to my conscious state and (after I dry off) journal everything. These journals have brought tremendous insight and peace.
I came away from the meditation and found myself in conversation with a fish. There are many tiny fish that scoot along the shoreline and one came and sat beneath my raft. I had felt my disgust with some of the people I had seen picking up the conchs and wanting to take them home as souvenirs. This happens so often that I find myself trying to gently educate them as they run screaming to their friends to come and look at what they "found" as if they now have a right to where it gets to reside—in their beach bucket or back in the sea. This fish was letting me know that even though I sound like I am a broken record, I am the one with the voice, I have the vocal chords that can communicate with humans. "But," I said, "I don't want to be the beach police, I came here to relax and enjoy nature." The fish replied, "Isn't part of that enjoyment protecting what you love?" Before departing he swam a few circles around my knees and I thanked it for its wisdom.
And so, I will continue to visit the beach and I will carry on collecting trash and speaking to people that toss animals around like toys. But I will also continue to teach about the importance of daily meditation. Fifteen minutes a day can bring you inspiration, insight and oh yes, wise counsel from the creatures sharing our planet.
To learn more about meditation please read: Meditation Mojo
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