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I'm away at the moment. During a quick trip into the local town I got a chance to use wifi and have a quick catch up with the rest of the world. I love seeing what is happening for others, what wisdom they have been learning and how they are getting on with their life journey. So I usually check in on my Twitter and Facebook feeds for the people I know, have taught or find inspiring. I also enjoy reading blogs and websites but being off grid has made that more of a challenge this week, lol. So it was lovely to have some time to check out what everyone has been learning this week.
As Confucius is quoted as pointing out we learn in several ways. I prefer reflection and experience. Or, much more my style of learning, reflecting on what I have just experienced. Not always the easiest way because in doing so you can have lots of prototypes thus repeating the experience over and over. Thought experiments (often used in theoretical physics) are a way of reflecting on options so you can grow by exploring your inner self. You can model ethical options, consider what feelings certain experiences might arouse or identify outcomes that work for you. We can also learn by imitation. Copying what those around us are doing we learn how to talk in social groups, how to play football or paint. Of course, following what someone else has done is much easier. All of the development work has been done for us, the prototypes have been tested and the glitches mostly ironed out. There are plenty of products that have taken an original idea and refined it to the profit of the person copying the inspiration.
When my Guides asked me to teach mediumship I was really reluctant. What did I know about connecting with Spirits except what I had learned from my own experience? They insisted I consider becoming a teacher. They explained that I had gathered most of my learning by experience and reflection. They knew that I would rather not copy other people because I’m keen to know ‘how’. Imitating someone else is the ‘how’ of what they do not the ‘how’ of what I do. Learning the wisdom of connecting my way certainly has been the right path. I am proud to be an evidence based medium striving for accuracy in what I give to people in their messages. I understand the ‘how’ of how I achieve that goal. I also understand what doesn’t work too.
It’s been my pleasure to offer some teaching support to quite a number of people over the last nine years. Some might agree that my teaching has been useful. I’m sure some won’t. Working your own way is the key to using your abilities to the best effect. Learning that lesson has been hard for a few who preferred to imitate rather than develop their style. There are no quick fixes in becoming good at anything you do in life. So on the face of it imitation does look easier. Unfortunately it is a way of hiding from your own intuitive inspirations. A dead end. Copying what I do (sometimes word for word) is flattering but I always ask my Guides to send inspiration to the person doing so. They are missing out on some fabulous learning. The fabric of my life is intertwined with new, interesting and challenging ideas and experiences. My Guides make sure to bring me options that will stretch me, develop me and make me think. I love it!
Have a look at what you are doing. Are you imitating someone else? Do you block the wonderful supply of ideas because you are too busy trying to ‘improve’ the ideas of others? Are you learning in an original, authentic and positive way about all of your abilities? I prefer to be myself, Annie Conboy, than a pale copy of someone else. How about you?
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