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On of the more challenging things about opening up my psychic ability has been that I now ‘see’ energy. Not quite in the way I would through clairvoyance (clear seeing) where my third eye sees in the same way as my physical eyes. Through my clairsentience (clear feeling) I sense energy and my brain translates that feeling into an image or information for me. The information I get in that way is the true state of things – it’s not possible to hide behind a polite smile or poker face. It’s taken me a long time to get used to being able to ‘read’ people in this way as I can actually spot the stuck energy people carry around with them. Then I have to think if the info is at all useful. Or if I’m supposed to do anything to help them get unstuck. I often say to people ‘In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king’ (Desiderius Erasmus) – I can see but what to do if no-one else can?
Today, as every day, I switch my intuitive senses to closed as I go about doing ordinary things – housework, driving, paperwork, shopping. It’s unfair to view people’s aura energy as it really is. We all carry thoughts, feelings, hurts, fears, worries and much more in our personal energy field (the aura). We also carry the thoughts, feelings, hurts, fears and worries of others in that same energy field. Every time we interact with each other the energy between us shifts & moves around. There is no point, as far as I can see, in being the one eyed man at these times. People really prefer not to see what is under their nose (or in their aura) as it might mean that they have to change or do something differently. How many times have I told myself that I will write a daily blog and ended up not doing so? It is only happening now because I’ve found a way to help myself change out of a stuck energy state of no writing to a fluid energy state of writing.
What brings this reflection to mind today is yet another example of someone receiving info about their energy state and deciding not to accept it. There are times when I do have to suggest to someone that they have a buildup of negative energy that needs to be released. Working intuitively as a healer or counsellor or teacher the energy in the relationship dynamic is really important. If someone is struggling to understand why they continually self sabotage themselves (as we all do to a certain extent) helping them to understand what is in their aura energy can lead to positive ways of releasing the energy. Volunteering this info is not my style – I wait until the person seeks my help before I explain about their energy flow (or lack of it). However, unless the person wants to have a clear energy field there is nothing further I can do.
We are all good at hiding from ourselves. We have all forgotten that lovely Spirit spark that sits inside the human overcoat. We judge ourselves and often, to avoid ourselves, pass those judgements on to others. Yet there is so much we can achieve if we are prepared to lift our own blindfold even for a few seconds. Taking a good, hard look at ourselves, even if only with one eye, allows us to remove all the cruddy energy we have accumulated. That energy slows us down, holds us back and, in the end, turns into physical dis-ease. Yet there are things we can do, each & every one of us, to create a truly positive energy field to live in.
Becoming one-eyed is much easier than people imagine. It starts from noticing what you are feeling and thinking. You can help yourself by tuning into what your gut tells you – your intuition is feeding you information every second of every day. You can notice when you feel the lie a person just told you. Or that moment when your though says ‘That’s a lie”. You can learn to trust the information. I will not challenge a lie, though I might make a note of it to myself, unless the outcome of what I’ve been told has consequences for me. You can also acknowledge all the thoughts & feelings you are holding onto that weigh you down. If you are angry work through it. If you are fearful overcome it. If you are depressed reach out for support. If you are lonely ask yourself why you have excluded others from your life. You also might find that these thoughts and feelings aren’t even yours.
Energetically we all live in the same ocean whether that flow is high energy or low energy. If you are surrounded by people who have a low energy flow then that is the energy you end up sharing. Some people are content to stay in the low energy because they feel it’s all they know. But you don’t have to. You can find the high energy flow if you clear your own aura and protect it from taking on more negative energy. I switch my ‘eye’ on because with it I can tune into Energy Beings who have higher positive energy flows. They are happy to share their energy with me, to help me clean up my aura and to encourage others to do so. It was hard to look in the mirror and see how far I had drifted from a positive energy flow yet it has been a wonderful thing to become a ‘one eyed man’. Not for power or glory. Simply to show others how we can all benefit from being able to see with one eye. Is it time to take your blindfold off?
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