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Music and Mandalas is a new approach to mindfulness. Whether you meditate already or are wondering how to include it in your life this practice, offered by Living With Harmony, incorporates special background musical improvisation and colouring the archetypal mandala to restore inner peace and balance.
Mindfulness has huge potential to improve health and well-being, Unfortunately our thoughts interrupt the process. Listening to gentle music improvised to create a cradle of consciousness whilst colouring a mandala is a path to peace and mindfulness which can improve your mood.
Music is understood by the brain as meaningful. Music which is familiar will bring mem
ories and associations. This is a clear benefit when using music with people suffering from dementia, for example. However, unfamiliar music without lyrics can be calming as background music. It reduces thoughts in the mind, which is central to meditation.
The mandala is an archetypal form based around a circle. The symmetry creates a sense of order for the mind. Combining listening to new music with the opportunity to colour a mandala is the essence of this practice. Colouring a mandala with background music which intends to create a musical cradle of consciousness, gently holding the meditative mood, is a simple and possible path to the health benefits of mindfulness.
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