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How many times have you bitten your tongue, held in the emotion that you are feeling, and not said something because you fear you will upset someone – many times I am sure. We all do it - We are conditioned to be polite, tow the line, do as we are told, etc. But where does that leave you? With a sore throat and emotions that are all over the place because you have not been able to or felt confident to express yourself fully. Express, the word in itself EX – Press means getting rid of something, squeezing something out that is no longer required or something that needs to be released. If we are unable to express ourselves we will find we are constantly plagued by sore throats, ear infections, wheezy chests, and a cough that won’t go away.
When we develop our throat chakra we may well find that people change their attitude towards us, they may no longer wish to “hear” our words because we are speaking our truth not a conditioned response that we have been trained and taught to deliver or one that they would normally expect to receive from us. Our throat chakra development will determine what truths we really want to represent, it is where we can reach our inner dreams and achieve meaningful lives. The throat chakra will open us up to our inner guides a higher wisdom, our own soul.
Development of the fifth chakra can take many forms, an easy starting point is being able to say “No” nicely, here are 3 tips that can help, whether it be a request from a friend, partner, child, boss at work or any authority figure.
1. Letting the person know you are considering their request. Pay attention, listen, show that you are thinking about it.
2. Asking questions that cause them to think more carefully about how reasonable their request is.
3. Saying "No" without ever using negative or apologetic words.
There are other methods that can be used to develop and balance the throat chakra, wearing a blue scarf, a piece of blue jewellery around the neck, using a crystal that is
blue in colour on the throat area. You may decide to visit a therapist or healer to assist you with the development of your throat chakra, please ensure that you are very comfortable with the person you choose as they will be working on your throat chakra you need to be comfortable and trust the therapist 100%, comfortable enough to say what you feel and think.
The throat chakra is our connection to the higher realms, it connects our heart and emotions to our mind and head, a developed and balanced throat chakra will help you to ascend your consciousness. It is time to ask what needs to be said to make this shift possible.
Other ways to develop your fifth chakra is to join groups or clubs where people of a like mind to you will be, being able to speak your truth without prejudice or fear will develop all your chakras not only your throat chakra. Your empowerment is in your hands. We live in a world where we have been taught to act in certain ways, we are conditioned out of believing that we can develop, not only intellectually but spiritually as well. We need to stop, open our eyes, see where we are going, look at what is really in front of us. Time to throw away the rose tinted blinkers and look at the big picture that we are creating. Play with the Matrix you live in, short circuit the system, question the Mr Smiths’ that patrol and control our lives.
But you don’t have to listen to me, perhaps I am not speaking your truth, I will leave you with some wise words that I try and follow.
Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it.
Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held.
Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books.
Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin.
Believe nothing just because someone else believes it.
Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true.
Speak your Truth, people will listen
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