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Are you being lied to? I hope not, but yes you probably are. How do you know if someone is telling you a lie or telling you the truth? This is the situation and problem that so many of us face nowadays; we know we are being lied to constantly by our Government, our Banks, our Authorities and the media.
This is one of the reasons why TruthJuice was born, to bring to the fore the Truth behind the lies that are being fed to us daily. We want to offer you this information so that you can make informed choices in your lives; it is impossible to make a balanced decision or choice without knowing all the facts.
TruthJuice will be holding Talks, lectures and film evenings every week on a Wednesday evening 7.00pm at the Hand Hotel in Llangollen.
Mark W Foster; a highly motivational speaker, Mark will tell you the Truth about our world, he will take you “beyond the illusion”. His aim is to help us all lift each other higher and higher, simply because we can.
Nick Marchmont Sacred geometry is a fundamental aspect of our awakening. Their energetic radiance emits a frequency that co-responds with our DNA in search of a like frequency with which to resonate. In order to understand the implicate order of our own creation we need to expose ourselves to the simplicity of the language in which it is written... you will not fail to be amazed.
Anthony M Beckett B.Sc. (hons) M.Sc - “Never A Straight Answer - A Brief History of Mars Exploration - Hyperdimensional Influence on Planetary Geology - The Cydonian Message” – Anthony will present a myriad of photographic evidence that will make you wonder about the planet Mars.
We will also be offering film nights every month, we will show Zeitgeist, A Documentary film by Peter Joseph about historical and modern conspiracies including the banking system and 9/11.
Following on in February we have an impressive line up covering subjects such as How safe is your water, do you want fluoride added to your tap water, will you have a choice? 2012 Planet X Nibiru, Fact or Fiction?
We are also very proud to have John Harris with us in February, for those of you not familiar with John, he is an innovative speaker who has campaigned tirelessly on behalf of the public to do away with archaic petty laws that inhibit our freedom as citizens of the UK. Entrance is £3.00 on the door but Seats will be limited to 150 at Johns talk so visit our web-site to reserve your seats.
Other subjects being covered throughout the year will be alternative energy sources that wont harm us or the environment, could they be free, is this why they have been suppressed by Governments all over the World. Crop circles, where do they come from, do you believe it is a band of drunken people staggering about a field in the dark of the night or an unknown new energy trying to connect with us. Alternative and complimentary healing will also be featured along with talks on local myths and legends. We are looking for speakers on a wide variety of subjects, if you have a knowledge that you think people should be aware of please contact us on
[email protected]
TruthJuice is a non for profit group and our aim is to eventually provide these talks for free to you, please visit our website for more information on how you can help us with this. Please also support the speakers at our events, many of whom are attending for expenses only to help Truthjuice grow and flourish. TruthJuice is a not for profit organisation. All benefit from our work is reinvested to achieve our purpose - to help others self realise.
Our undertaking is to be - Positive, Enlightening, Peaceful, Constructive, Informative, Spiritual, Encouraging, Beneficial, Nourishing, and most of all to bring you the TRUTH 100%
Come along and meet like minded people and take a fresh and truthful look at the world we live in –every Wednesday night, 7.00pm at the HAND HOTEL, Denbigh Suite in Llangollen, subjects that you want to learn more about but didn’t know where to start:- Entrance £3.00, Refreshments Available, Free Parking.
[email protected] – Tel 01978 861586
We don’t have all the answers, but what we do have is 100% Proof
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