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Stress exists because it instigates continual change and is, therefore, an integral part of life itself, it affects people of all ages and from all walks of life. Because you can’t escape stress, from the time you are born your brain is hardwired to use it to your advantage and deal with it, but only up to a certain point. Long-term chronic stress drives you beyond that point, which represents the limits of your endurance. When past it, you become mentally and emotionally overwhelmed because your natural coping mechanisms have been overpowered and are no longer fit for purpose.
Coping with stress is a skill that has to be learned. Healthy and thereby constructive coping strategies promote personal growth, enable you to evolve, empower, and self-actualize. The fundamental markers associated with healthy coping mechanisms are being able to identify the stress triggers, communicate in an adult fashion, taking ownership for and responsibility for the role you play along with mindfulness, meditation, and distraction techniques. Furthermore, coping mechanisms become outdated you need to adjust them to meet your needs as you age, otherwise, they become ineffectual or problematic, so there’s no room for complacency. It is worth mentioning that you still retain the unhealthy coping mechanism you developed before becoming more self-aware, but you tend not to use them.
Unless you are willing to consciously invest in learning to manage your stress levels, feeling anxious is normalized and you develop unhealthy coping mechanisms which are destructive. They stunt personal growth, disempower, trapped within your insecurities you are blocked from self-actualizing.
Unhealthy markers include self-medication, playing the blame game, going on the defensive and in denial, and unable or unwilling to self-reflect, self-analyze or become more self-aware.
However, it’s vital to remember you are not perfect, nor should you be. By accepting there will be times when reverting to unhealthy coping mechanisms, but by doing so, you place yourself in a place where you are reminding yourself of the benefits of using them.
A valuable addition to your coping mechanism arsenal is your chakras. Your chakra system is a built-in, life-force pranic energy that can be drawn upon in real-time, to help you deal effectively and efficiently with life’s stresses and strains as and when they arise. Each one of your seven major chakras is tailor-made to help you manage various emotional imbalances caused by stress and anxiety which are usually expressed through anger. Anger is aligned to your first chakra and usually triggered by fear which is governed by your third.
Fear is a survival instinct that instantly puts you in fight or flight mode. Fear-driven words and actions spawn the emotions of sadness, regret, and disgust, all of which are regulated by your fourth chakra.
When facing a stressful situation your natural instinct is too unground through your first chakra, a state which if left unchecked for any length of time causes a subtle change of consciousness, which is governed by what is now your imbalanced sixth chakra. This change distorts your understanding of the situation causing you to lose emotional control, and your fourth chakra becomes imbalanced.
You keep yourself grounded by drawing upon your pranic energy through your first chakra. Grounding the milli-seconds you sense you are becoming ungrounded stops your fears from escalating and wrecking your chakra system. With a balanced chakra system your emotions under control in real-time enabling you to deal with a challenging situation in a rational and responsible manner.
Prana is the most powerful of all known energies, it consists of the sum total of all the energy that exists within the cosmos and carried on the air that you breathe in. Contained within your chakra system, this subtle life force connects your mind to your body and your higher consciousness which it connects to universal consciousness. Your chakra system is made up of over a hundred chakras, seven of which are major.
Your major chakras are aligned along your Sushumna, the central energy channel, which runs vertically from the base of your spine, where your 1st chakra is, to your 7th, which lies just above the top of your head. Their colours run in the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and the 7th violet. Each chakra is paired to and interacts with one or more of your eleven major organ systems of your body.
Presented as lotus flowers, chakras are integrated, interactive, rotating energy centers that attract, assimilate and distribute prana around your subtle bodies, which manifests your physical body. Each chakra is individually named, has a unique mantra, musical note, and function which is recognized by the number of petals each flower has.
Being the most sensitive and intelligent of ethereal mechanisms, individual chakras independently monitor and respond to the physical, mental and emotional reactions caused by your life’s events. They open and close their petals individually or in unison open or close to conserve or release energy as and when needed. This nastic movement of the petals regulates the flow of prana around your chakra system and enables you to function in a balanced, yet harmonic way.
However, stressful events cause the petals to get stuck in an open or fully closed position rather than in their semi-open position which allows maximum efficiency. Both prolonged opened or closed positions cause imbalances that negatively affect your overall well-being and the ability to function in a rational manner.
When stuck in an open position your chakra system is flooded with prana causing you to become ungrounded and behave in a hyper fashion. In a closed position, build-up and blockages occur, starving a part or whole of your chakra system of prana, and you become too grounded and unable to function because you have become hypo.
Your chakra system is manipulated by intention through visualization or thought. With only a basic understanding you can adjust your major chakras individually or en masse. When you feel you are flipping into hyper or hypo mode during taxing times you can open chakras that have closed and close or semi-close those that should be open in real-time to ensure a probably regulated flow of prana to help you maintain control over your emotions when you need it the most.
Manipulating your chakras as and when necessary isn’t a magic bullet; it’s simply another form of coping mechanism that can enable you to transform how your life for the better and reap the rewards you so richly deserve.
Learn how to use these transformational coping mechanisms by watching the YouTube videos found at the bottom of my website They show how easy it is to manipulate your chakras in real-time and with practice takes less than a minute to do so.
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