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I’m writing a series of short articles over the next few Months or so, that will focus on my interpretation of each Tarot card within the Major and Minor Arcana of various Tarot decks.
I mainly publish my reviews / predictions on TABI Facebook page, but just in case you do not have FB.
For me, each image produces a vast amount of detail that centres around symbolism, astrology, numerology. Kabballah, psychology and esoteric mysticism. Each card has its own charm.
In particular, I will be focusing on the cartography of Tarot, in that each image builds and then reflects a vision of reality for the client.
Nonetheless, when they are linked to other Tarot cards on the table, I see a strong associating connection between all cards and with the bigger picture to hand, this is how I read for clients in private and public places.
Hope you enjoy!
Let me know if you need clarification on my interpretation.
Tony ( Temperance )
Tony Olliver, Endorsed Professional Tarot Reader & Mentor
Tarot Association of the British Isles
The Fool
Visconti-Sforza Tarot deck - circa 1450.
Arcanum Zero + Zodiac link to Uranus.
The old life is about to end and a new outlook on life is possibly on the horizon. This card is often associated to personal relationships, in particular, when the client wishes to leave the old partnership and take a risk in a potentially new setup (rose in left hand).
Note the small dog in the image which appears to be barking at The Fool. This a warning about the need to be pragmatic during a period of change. The Fool ignores the warning and is determined to take the leap of faith regardless of consequences.
The Fool is about to step off the cliff, albeit, a symbolic connotation to disconnecting with the old life. The Sun overhead is providing The Fool with a pathway of light that represents faith and inner guidance and in addition, to the feeling of rejuvenation.
The mountains in the background of the card have snow capped peaks which will soon melt. This to me is symbolic of the end of ‘winter‘ during which a period of ‘hibernation’ has been experienced within the old life. Is Spring really on the horizon ?.
The Fool is carrying a small bag that is attached to a wooden rod which he carries on his shoulder. This illustration to me is linked to his material possessions and that a new life of uncertainty is perhaps more important than an unhappier life style that may seem materially comfortable.
The point is that The Fool has not taken the leap forward into the unknown, at least not at this time. Further cards are required to see if the client is really prepared to take the leap of faith and if he is prepared, will the client eventually take that step forwards or in fact backwards.
Image - By Bonifacio Bembo, Antonio Cicognara. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commonsxx.jpg
Tony Olliver
Intuitive Tarot Reader
Endorsed Professional Tarot Reader & Mentor
Tarot Association of the British Isles - Tarot Readings - ReikiWorld Academy - Reiki Healing & Reiki Courses in London & Brighton, Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex, UK - Connect Facebook. - Twitter
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