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Dear reader, it is through you reading articles like mine that give me the inspiration to carry on doing what I do best....
my article (FIRE WALKING) MND Association. Doing our bit for charity ... was written some time ago, after doing an amazing fire walk for mnd association... since doing the fire walk, ( which was amazing and I would recommend it to everyone to at least do once.. I did it 7 times in one night)
since that evening, I have gone on to do lots of other events for several other worth while causes, including, s.a.f.f.a, air ambulance, local childrens charity, Oscar fund and so on and I will continue to do so to raise money for worth while causes, 2014 will see some new challenges to raise yet more funds, and I may even do mnd firewalk again.
but I have to say thank you to you all who read my fire walk article, which at time of writing this has had 33000 people look at it, if anyone could possibly feel how this makes me feel, they would truly be amazed and be so greatful, I will do more for charity, I will do more teaching, and most of all more articles on different subjects, my latest article is on the chambers of crystal skulls, just type in shane darbey and it will appear along with all that I have written
and once again for your support....
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