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Tonight I’m writing my blog after a full day in Harrogate at a PartyLite event. It was an early start, lots of traffic delays & a full on day of recognition & new products. I love candles. They have been a part of my life for many, many years. I suspect I’ve tried most of the brands out there but I ‘converted’ to PartyLite candles a long time ago and they are the only ones I use now. So why am I writing about candles & accessories? Everyone needs down time. Time away from their work – even if that work is their passion. So my fun time is when I go out to parties with my candles, or host a Facebook online party, or call up my regular buyers with the special offers. I love helping people make their homes feel & look brighter.
It’s not something I ever intended to do (a bit like the mediumship really) as I’m not so good at jokes (I forget the punchline or get very muddled), get very nervous when meeting new people & don’t like the ‘hard’ sell. So why has it become my almost second full-time job? I went to a party. I bought some t lights. I wanted to buy lots of things but didn’t have the money. So that I could get more things I hosted a party. I kept hosting parties. My consultant said “you can do this’. I refused. In fact, she asked me 3 times. The last time she asked I said yes. I became an independent consultant & loved it so much that now I’m also a Team Leader. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to check if it’s real. I get candles & accessories, I get to go to parties where I don’t spend any money & I meet the most amazing new people. How cool is that!
At my first party my sister pointed out to me that it was no surprise I’d fallen into the PartyLite job. After all wasn’t it another way to bring in the light? I really hadn’t realised. She was right. Somehow I’d been nudged into doing something outside my comfort zone. How clever of my Guides, the Universe or synchronicity. So, rather haphazardly, I set about this other new job. I can’t say that everything has been plain sailing. Making time for my hobby in with all the other stuff I’m passionate about had been a challenge. Having the confidence to approach people about candles, parties & buying takes time. Ensuring a good customer experience is rewarding but occasionally elusive. Building a team in this work has been stretching. Yet I’m still doing it.
My friend Keeley will laugh when she reads this. She knows there have been days when I’ve said I’m giving up PartyLite. Days when I’ve been over the moon (did I say I got a free trip to Provence earlier this year from the company). Days when I’ve wanted to put my head under the covers & hide. Days when the support of my Leader, Liz, & the rest of the team have been like sunshine in the gloom. Every time I get a down day I remember the ups. Every time I’m up I focus on wanting more of that. What I’ve found out about myself is that I’m a trier (some would say trying, I’m sure, lol). I will give things a go. Just like the rest of my work, or my life, when I get knocked down I pull myself back up. I have found that I’m strong. So today I’m thankful for the nudge I got from Liz (who doesn’t give up either), for the support of my family & friends and for PartyLite. It’s a whole lot of fun & after all, all work & no play makes for a dull life.
By the way, my Team is called Lite Spirits. It seemed the most appropriate way to recognise that Spirit is the Light in my life. Every party I do that wonderful Spirit energy comes through to everyone there. Who wouldn’t want a blast of healing upliftment in their day whether they believed in it or not.
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