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Today I’m at the Centre (in my pink slippers) to catch up on a bit of admin & follow up on readings I’ve done over the past few days. I always record any readings I do as there tends to be a lot of info in the sessions. It’s too much for anyone to remember perfectly so a recording you can listen to again is a great way to help people get all the guidance they need. I often say that readings are the bread & butter of my work – it’s where I started my psychic life & a key part of bringing support & information to people. It’s also the way in which the Energy Beings give others evidence of their existence.
And that is a key part of my psychic life – encouraging others to wonder how I knew the information I gave them. I’ve often been told it comes through cold reading, or that I’ve researched someone on social media, or that I’m a lucky guesser. But there is always something in a message that the person says no to – then comes back, sometimes a long time after, to tell me that the message info was completely accurate. I’ve learned not to worry about info that the person can’t understand & to be patient for the confirmation to turn up. So how did all this readings work get started?
In 1992 I was working away from home & lodging in a shared house. Margaret, the lady who owned the house, & I had many interesting discussions as she had had a Near Death Experience. This had led her to find out more about the afterlife. As part of her research she had found out how to read playing cards. She encouraged me to give it a try too. So I got a pack of playing cards & a book. It was strange to me then but the cards seemed to give correct info every time I tried a reading for myself or Margaret. I started trying them out on other friends. The people who had readings kept saying how accurate the readings were. I was hooked!
I dived into the world of Tarot wanting to understand how it all worked. I still didn’t believe in the Spirit world or any other kind of energy beings but the cards also seemed to help with my past life work too. Soon friends of friends were asking me to read their cards or tell them about their past lives. As I discovered more & did more readings I noticed that I could also sense their aura energy. It was quite a slow process to understand what I was sensing & then translate it into anything meaningful. Even though I got a direct message from another Tarot reader that it was time for me to sit in a development circle I resisted. I still don’t know if I was too afraid to find out more at that time or if the sceptic in me was in charge. So it was’t until 2005 that I opened up to the fact that I could get messages from Spirits.
Once I did readings work became full on. In 2007 I decided to work full time doing readings as there seemed to be so many requests that I couldn’t fit them all in around my other (non psychic) work. I’m grateful to say that the readings work continues to be a big part of my mediumship. I can work over Skype, the phone or face to face. I love connecting people up with their loved ones in Spirit & also, on occasion, their Guides. I love that my Guides work with me on evidence based readings so that the info is clear & understandable. And the privilege for me is meeting all these Spirit people as it has changed my world view. From sceptic to believer. From fearful of death to looking forward (lol, eventually) to my next (after) life.
As I burn each CD (with a cuppa & biscuit & cosy feet) I recognise something else about my work too. In with the readings is another challenge – to educate people what is a reading & what isn’t. To help everyone understand how readings work, what to expect & why a reading might not be possible. To explain about energy & why we need to understand our own psychic energy so we can get guidance & support from Energy Beings. I can do readings, that is, tune in to Energy Beings – but so can you. Be prepared to listen to your intuition, explore in my world & be open minded. You might find you are hooked too!
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