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Sleep no more. Awake. Awake and look within. Look within and see the reflection of your world and the divine thread that dangles, begging to be reached. Reach out and free yourself from within.
And only you can do it. No one can free you but yourself. And only your love can unlock the chains of bondage that the matter world ties and links together in a web of emotion and fear. Only your love can break the door of isolation.
When you have the key to remembering then you may unlock that door, and the petals of the waking flower will sing in a vibration of beauty ages old, rippling out through the spheres, encasing their song in the light of Love.
Age after age, time and time again, we bring words of wisdom; we bring the knowledge forward. We bring it now that you will hear, that you will whisper in Self Knowing:
“I am FREE when I learn to love myself and let my light SHINE BRIGHTLY, touching those around me, helping them to unlock their cages of fear and isolation.”
Each age forgets. And so it is that you are begged to remember. And so it is that you are taught to see, and to listen, and to FEEL that spark within, knowing all the while that it is the spark of the Divine Light, the One.
The Creator comes to you, reaches in and animates your life. The Creator dwells within you. Awake to the presence of the Creator within. SEE your self born of the Creation, one with the spark of ALL life.
THIS IS WHO YOU ARE: You are the Creator’s child. You are that Light and it has not left you. Turn around. Look and see. KNOW YOUR SELF of this Love and your chains will be broken.
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