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The wave comes. The ripple of vibration comes into the world and your being reaches it, recognises it, understands it, turns around to look at it and sees that it is something more than the matter body that is taking steps in the material world. It is something higher. It is something brighter. It is something lighter. It is you. It is part of you. It is all of you, and yet it is only seen occasionally. And so it takes practice.
It begins by living truth. It begins by knowing what your truth is. It begins by understanding that much of your life is a lie; that much of your life is a fantasy created by others. It begins by lifting the veil on that fantasy, and stepping into the creation of your own world, your own truth. And you will feel it. You will feel it right when you make that step.
And it is a difficult step to take, mark my word. Not all can do it. Not all will want to do it. But one step is never enough. Once you have journeyed a little, once you have put your toe upon the precipice, felt the air of freedom beneath you, it is difficult to step away and turn your back on that.
We ask you to fall back over the cliff and understand that you will be upheld; understand that the light beneath you is more glorious than the light within, because it is both. And it is all. And when you understand this, you will know that you do not fall. You will know that there is no precipice, that there is no cliff, that there is only the reality of your making, and that you can make it in truth. The truth that is yours. The truth that vibrates according to your will, according to your peace. A truth that harmonises your being.
And you will feel it. And you will know it. And you will embrace it. And you will not return to that other fantasy for it will have dismantled. There is no return once the vibration increases. There is no return once the vibration elevates. There is only forward movement. There is only spiralling up. There is only expanding out. There is only increase in wavelength and width. And it is all oneness. It is all unity. And that you will feel.
~ Heru
[The cliff precipice is of course metaphorical, and relates to that which prevents us living truth, namely fear]
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