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Here, in the northern hemisphere, the days close in towards the Winter Solstice. The shortest day, when the sun (sol) appears to stand still (sistere) heralds the longest night and the coming dark. It is at this time Heru bids us reconnect with the threads of light that form the web, which unites us all.
We can reconnect visually, in imagination, on the astral, in thought and prayer, through love and reaching out, physically and tactilely, and by a myriad other ways of being in light that are internal and external to us. And being in community or with kindred people, groups or individuals, helps us to connect.
Though I came to Britain from Australia with few known kin, I have experienced such care and generosity like to the truest and closest family. People who form my spiritual community traverse different schools, traditions and ministries, but with them I know myself seen and received, and I give of myself to them. This deepening connection of fellowship makes more tangible the intraconnectedness of both manifest and unmanifest creation for me. It illuminates the flow of life that weaves us together.
In this past two months I have recognised and been recognised by kindred souls of past lives across the millennia. Wandering in Christmas fair I have looked into the eyes of a stranger, touched hands and known him brother of myself. Grounding energies, I have stamped my feet in circle and sung and chanted and heard my voice one with brethren. I have shared meals, cooked, held and been held, and felt arms around me of sisters mine. I have been fortunate to enter both formal temple and to stand naked on sand and water, feeling the presence of Other in both spaces and within. In trance and mediumship I have sat in friendship and trust, and known the depth of union with Spirit. So too, I have been tested, challenged, and psychically worked until I thought I must collapse. My inner core and outer being has shaken with forces and fatigue and again with a deep, resounding healing. I have cried in the arms of women and let them sink into me with tears of their own. Oh, and I have raged, and sighed with despair, but I have played and laughed as well, until my sides hurt with joy. And I have known intimacy and energetic exchange the kind only shared by twin souls. Truly, I have experienced connection in these lands, and this tells me that I am where I need to be, and where I am most needed.
It is the love behind this connection, the generating force that comes from such contact that I am then able to feed back into the web and the light of the Source. We know this; we know that the power of love and connectedness is mighty. The message herein and below is not new. At this time we will have heard it shared, and it will be said again and again and again. We, who feel the pull of the dark and the fluxing energies of a changing Age, are called upon to help ease the unrest that manifests in the world and across the planes. How these stretching and shifting currents are experienced will vary, and they will be felt on many levels; suc

h is the power of change. This Solstice and festive season may be difficult for many, aside from the cosmic forces at play that bring us into another era. Let us lean our torches into those whose flame might not be kindled as brightly, for whatever reason, that we might help ignite their fire. And let us lean into each other. How much brighter will they and we be, and with greater care for ourselves, if we remember and draw on our unity…
And such is the communication from Heru:
‘I come with a message for this time: Reconnect. Reconnect in the shallow waters that run deep as threads of light across the lands and the planes. This is the time of dark. This is the time when the darkness would threaten to override the light but the light is strong. The light is stronger and would prevail.
You, light workers, unite. Send out your threads of thought. Embrace each other. Embrace the Other. Embrace all.
Light connecting light. Each one divine. Each one a thread in the web of the Cosmos. The Source filters down and through you and with you, reaches all; creatures large, small, infinitesimal in comparison, but holy all.
This is your time. This is your time of remembering, to reconnect. Hold the light now. Hold it with your Love. Hold it with your prayers, your innocence, your thoughts, your wishes. Hold it with your breath. Hold it until you can hold it no longer for now is the time it needs coming through. Now is the time for connection.
Take the hand of your loved one and take the hand of the stranger. Be it with a look. Be it with a touch. Be it with a thought. Be it with a sound. Take their hand. Unite across the planes and the worlds, across the lands, across the table, across the bridge. Unite. We must walk into the dark, bright. We must walk standing tall in our confidence of Love. And united we will prevail against the energies that would dampen the spheres. The Rays will come into this world and they will weave themselves through you, and are weaving themselves through you. And it is their light and your light comingled, Spirit One, that will send forth its threads. United in a web of light, holding the worlds, holding the planes, we all are.
Remember this. Remember your uniqueness within the One. Remember that you make a difference. Remember that your thoughts count. Remember that your prayers feel their way into the web, and they light a path to the Source and beyond.
We need you now. You need you now. All creatures are needed now. Bring forth the light. Let it shine at this time that it radiates throughout the worlds, known and unknown, across the planes, and into your lives and the lives of all. Let it rain down a beacon of fire that lights the beacons across the lands. Shining bright you are. Shining bright you will. Shining bright into an Age that needs your light more than else. Let it be. And let it be so. When the darkness comes, stand up and shine bright; shine brightly with Love, and all will be well. Yes it will.’
‘You are the light of the World’ (Mathew 5:14)
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